Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Salad day 3

Goat cheese pomegranate
The bread that went with it is good. The goat cheese gives off an oily solid texture, while the cranberries give it a deliciously tart aftertaste.  4 out of 5.

Barbecue and friends 
Pungent, hearty, and tingly. The BBQ chicken would seem out of place, but fits in perfectly. 3.5 out of 5.

Apple cucumber
Sweet, watery, and structured. I think that, for a relatively simple salad, it tastes pretty good. 2.9 out of 5. 

Average, simple, and clichè. 2 out of 5.

Slimy and refreshing. It's uniqueness is enough to make up for some of its faults. 3.7 out of 5.

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